Ever since”Bangarang” was released in 2012, musicians from all backgrounds have been presenting their own takes on the Skrillex classic. From original drum accompaniment, to concert piano, to Launchpad recreations, the track has been approached from nearly every angle.
In the true spirit of remixing, HammerBirds, a French/Chinese duo of musicians, has just taken the “Bangarang” sound to the next level. Using several acoustic instruments, soft vocal hooks, and chopsticks as percussion, this group may have come up with the best version we’ve heard so far. They seamlessly incorporate the different elements in a complex and overlapping fashion, allowing the main melodies to shine through while simultaneously providing their own jazzy personality. The video they’ve created to go along with the cover is a joy to watch, and displays just how much work went into creating such a detailed flip.
Watch HammerBirds take on Skrillex below!