If you haven’t heard of Henrix, that is about to change. After being named a top producer to watch in 2013 by numerous outlets, the Miami-based producer is unraveling what will no doubt be a success filled year. His collaboration Hit It with GTA & Digital Lab was just signed to Size Records and has been receiving support from label-head Steve Angello on numerous occasions. In celebration of this, he’s giving away an original track of his for free download. Miami Rising is a big room, hands-in-the-air house tune with stomping kicks and a catchy melody that you’ll be humming for days. He had the following to say about the track:
To help celebrate the release of #HITIT (Out on Size Feb 25th) I’ve decided to give away a free track today called “Miami Rising”… A label wanted to sign this and release it (in 3 months) but I decided fuck that it’s better to give it out to you guys for free TODAY! I hope you guys enjoy this one and please feel free to share it!
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/78006788″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=true&color=000000″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
-DD @fingerscrossedd