We know you have all been desperately missing house music being featured on our Conspectus series, so we’ve been pumping out house bangers all week long on our Collection SoundCloud page just for you. We’re concluding this huge week with our top 5 picks, spanning from deeper and chill house to harder, and more banging, main stage tracks. First off is Wom-bat‘s “Wombagirls,” which is one of the catchiest electro bangers we’ve uploaded this year. Although he has an absolutely insane discography, “Flugreise” from Cobalt had to be our pick from the aspiring French producer. Following this is “Stars” by NURII, which reminds us of some successful Project 46 hits. We can only imagine the same success will come to NURII as well. You’ll instantly fall for Kiso‘s remix of “Sunrise” if you’re into Nigel Good or deadmau5, due to its classic progressive nature and gorgeous melody. We’ll close this week with the much more low-key “Talk to Me” from Sunth, which shows off deep house’s finest sounds.
Take a listen to our picks in the playlist below: