By now it should be no secret that there are a select few opting for a slightly antithetical approach to EDM. From Deadmau5’s $200,000 Bon Jovi request and DJs being ferried about in chauffeured Maybachs, the wealthy and inclusive aspect of EDM remains a frustrating yet undeniably intriguing point of interest.
Now, opening this Memorial Day Weekend, the latest nightclub to open in Sin City appears to be the most ostentatious yet. Drai’s is a 65,000 square foot dance music monolith, reaching 11 storeys up in the air; it has swimming pools, private cabanas and the pricey option to set off your own firework display.
But the garishness doesn’t end there and the club challenges a lot of its competition, judging by the recently leaked menus for Drai’s. According to Vegas Seven, the club’s menus pack a lot more interesting deals than the usual discounted double-vodka and Red Bull you’re used to. The most eye-watering package on offer costs a portly $737,000 and offers: a private 737 jet for you plus 50, “of your closet friends,”; 210 seconds of the aforementioned fireworks display, luxury accommodation and plenty of Dom Perignon to keep you hydrated.
If you’re a bit low on cash then $250,000 will net you the same ‘jet-life’ treatment… but only for eight, “of your closest friends.” Also the firework display falls short at only 150 seconds long.
150 seconds, how pathetic; it’s no wonder you haven’t got as many friends.
Check out the full menu below and tell us what you think: