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Spring break has already passed for 2014, but there are always moments that remind us the epic times in some marvelous and exciting destinations. After seeing Diplo‘s performance at Spring Awakening Music Festival, I can tell why the producers of 22 Jump Street chose him as their disk jockey.
The movie stars officers Schmidt and Jenko going undercover at a local college, when they find themselves in one of the most epic spring break parties ever. As the movie progresses to the moment they turn up, twerk master Diplo is playing some trap tunes that accompany the scene really well.
The popularization of edm has grown to new heights, with movie producers choosing specific music artists for their films. With Skrillex doing sound design for Transformers 4 and Deadmau5‘s previous appearance in Gossip Girls, it is a matter of time until we will see electronic music in any type of media.
Check out this cut from 22 Jump Street:
“No one can do spring break like Diplo,” is definitely the catchphrase of the clip!