Silhouetted Horizons is the brainchild of Benjamin Hurd, who's already a well-renowned sound designer and engineer in the highly specialized...
Marc-E is a bit of an anomaly in the EDM/electronica world, as the only thing he really adheres to is...
photo credit: James Iver Tako Tomago is an artist in his own lane, known for fusing R&B-infused vocals, evocative basslines,...
photo credit: @kaleidokitty Soul Food Music Collective is a Los Angeles and Internet-based music community that first arrived on the...
A little less than two weeks ago, ILLENIUM teased some sort of collaboration with Batman, the popular franchise from DC...
Lauren Martinez and the mastermind behind "METANÖIA," Shöckface have reunited for a new toxic love anthem ‘how you like me now’...
Shöckface and ero808 begin the new year forging a new friendship as solid as steel with the release of their new...
When we were sourcing artists for our annual Top 40 Artists To Watch list this past December, I reached out...