The Halloween-themed Refune-hosted event at the Nassau Coliseum has been shut down due to increased violence and underage intoxication. There have been several accounts of over 30 individuals seriously injured due to a large fight at the location. While still unconfirmed, there have been reports of possible deaths at the venue. We will update you as we learn more about this tragedy.
All Mixed Up is an event at two separate locations, Nassau Coliseum and Pier 94, hosted by Refune records, Sebastian Ingrosso, Alesso and Otto Knows. This was the first ever electronic dance music event at Nassau Coliseum. We have been told that Pier 94 is still going according to plan.
We cannot stress enough how important your safety and that of those around you is at these events. These moments are about spreading your love of the music and sharing a positive experience with your friends and fellow EDM lovers.
Spread the PLUR.
Update: We are receiving confirmation that the reason for closure was due to heavy underage drinking and the subsequent passing out of some of attendants. The event was 16+ and served alcohol, making the appropriation and consumption of alcohol by minors easier. Over 40 ambulances were spotted at the venue, be safe.
Update 2: As of now we have received confirmation that around 100 individuals have been hospitalized as a result of alcohol or drug intoxication. There have been no official reports concerning the possible fatalities that were rumored earlier. There have been accounts of the arrest of helicopter pilot Michael Croissant, who attempted to land among the crowd as attendees were trying to leave the venue, putting many individuals in harms way. This tragedy is the apparent result of a lack of security, preparation and overall care of all the attendees’ health and safety.
Ambulances and police cars at the location:
This is what happens when there isn’t an 18+ age limit. Not saying that everyone below that age acts is way, it’s just people can’t take your word for it and past experiences have proven just that. Hopefully future organizers will understand this simple concept.
Then again, Sorry to hear what happened and prayers to whoever was injured
Wow! Too many police and emergency vehicles for such a wonderful event. 🙁
This is what happens when you have 16+. This never happens at a 21+ event and rarely at 18+ events (its always bound to happen eventually). This event probably had more casualties than EDC Vegas.
I’m sorry to those who are under age and responsible about their behavior and enjoy the music, but really these events need to be 21+. Having 18+ CAN work, but these ALL AGES, and 16+ events need to STOP.
I’m a 17 year old girl (had ga floor for this concert), who frequently attends edm concerts, and I can honestly say I have never seen a rave with such a lack of security, (and i have attended major events such as ULTRA, I know i was too young, i don’t need a lecture). The most disturbing thing I noticed last night was that there was no checking of bags, or pat downs, which are pretty much standard at most concerts. My friend walked in with a huge back pack that the security guards did not look through, even after she offered it up to them for a check. I noticed mostly everyone else entering at the same time as me did not receive a check or pat down as well. Only thing I can say is that if the rumor of someone being stabbed to death is proved true, I can only imagine the hefty lawsuit that will be brought to Nassau Coliseum. Although I think it is extremely inappropriate to not have a required age at these types of events, (where drugs and alcohol are extremely prominent) one thing I noticed that age doesn’t really matter, its more of a maturity issue. Every where you turned there was either someone throwing up, or someone passed out, sometimes it would be a 22 year old, others looked as young as 13. Its sad in a way, how damaged the edm scene has become, because it was once pretty much just peace, respect, music and love, but now seems to be all about drug use and sex. Although I will not deny that I have had experience with club drugs, but I will say that I certainly would not be 13 when I tried them. My friends father is a fire fighter who responded to the calls at the coliseum, and he said the police men and firemen did receive word that 2 deaths had occurred (I can’t completely confirm this is true), along with stabbings, and an apparent shot of gunfire. A short time after 11, during Alesso’s set, the music was cut, the lights turned on, and an announcement along the lines of “The police have requested that we shut down tonights concert, please leave the building.” Many were so surprised by this, people were trying to figure out if the announcement was a joke, because many people at the time did not realize the tragic events that were taking place in the building. Although, once we left the building, it was extremely evident that many things had gone wrong; at least 30 ambulances, 5 firetrucks, and a countless number of cop cars lined the building, followed by a low flying helicopter overhead, as well as police on horseback. The major downfall of this event was the extreme lack of security at the doors and inside the concert. In case your wondering the most disturbing thing I had to witness last night; it was probably the two young teenagers having public sex on the dance floor, the lack of respect for themselves and respect for others was appalling. That pretty much sums it up. Sorry for the extremely long comment, I just wanted to let everyone know a firsthand experience of someone who was there.
While myself and many others in the edm community do understand that the events of a certain age group do not reflect the entirety of the age group. And we do understand that there are members under the age of 18 that can go to these events and be responsible. The problem is that an overwhelmingly amount of your peers cannot. These things do not happen at well staffed 18+ events and I see more sober people at 21+ events than you would think. Problem is that people of certain age groups get to that point where they think blacking out and PDA is cool. I’m sorry your peers ruin your guys chance for a good show but with all that has happened with 16+ events they just should not be done anymore.
I agree there must be a good amount of security… but it sucks that so many were called out to deal with underage idiots.
Of course if 1 person died, then it definitely had more casualties than EDC Vegas, because EDC vegas had none that were at least directly related.