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Your EDM Interview: Krewella

Decadence NYE in Denver, CO was a spectacular event that featured a handful of incredible artists on multiple stages creating a truly remarkable night and when I wasn’t shuffling back and forth between the stages I had the chance to interview arguably the most dynamic trio in the dubstep scene, Krewella. 2012 was an amazing year for Krewella as they embarked on a rigorous touring schedule while simultaneously releasing multiple EP’s. Often noted for playing three or more shows in a 36 hour period, Krewella has not only taken EDM by storm but also proved that they clearly have the stamina to solidify their position amongst some of the biggest names in the business. As we kick off 2013 I strongly urge you to keep an eye on Krewella as they continue to solidify their position as one of the most prominent names in dubstep and drum and bass. Check out the interview below!


Q: So to start off I wanted to address a rather serious question pertaining to the evening. My friends and I have the tradition of drinking Andre Rose on NYE will you guys still be drinking Jameson or our you switching it up for the holiday?

Jahan: Clearly Kris is drinking vodka tonight so..

Kris: (Holds up his glass and smiles) Well, everyone else was so I said fuck it!

Jahan: I’m actually sick today so unfortunately I won’t be having any drinks. Its a sober night but there are ways of compensating, there’s amazing food here so I’m going to pig out after our set.

Yasmine: Whoo! It does make up for it but definitely um I don’t know. JMo is always good. It’s like so celebratory for us.

Jahan: I’m all about cheap champagne and red cups though!


Q: You guys have had a crazy tour schedule this past year playing at Red Rocks twice and now once again returning to Colorado. I’ve lived in Colorado all of my life and natives here  have quite a bit of pride in our venues and the bass music culture here. How does Colorado rank in regards to your favorite places to play?

Jahan: It’s at the top of the list!

Yasmine: Definitely.

Jahan: Whenever we get interview questions; what are the highlights of the year, what are the highlight shows, Denver is always one of them along with our home city.


Q: Since 2012 was such a rigorous year for you as far as touring goes what does 2013 look like? Continued extensive touring or more time in the studio?

Jahan: Yes, for the first few months we are not going to be full time touring. We are kind of reversing the schedule and it’s going to be more full time studio work. We are working on the album that should be out by Fall 2013.

Kris: It’s not really full time studio though. It’s like 5 days off and then three days of touring.

Yasmine: So more studio than shows but it’s still not like a blank slate.


Q: You dropped your remix EP of play hard not too long ago. How were the artists chosen?

Yasmine: A lot of the artists on there were just really talented homies of ours that we gave the acapella or stems to and they just completely killed it and we were like yeah this has to fucking be on the EP, everyone has to hear this. And some of the others like Cash Cash we suggest by our label and they completely killed it so it was  just kind of like networking. It all came together really nicely and we’re really proud of that. We’re proud of our buddies who did so well on the remixes


Q: Do you guys have individual favorites from the EP?

Jahan: All of us pretty much agree on Alive by Pegboard Nerds.

Yamsine: But the underdog favorite is definitely the Stephen Swartz remix.


Q: Your sets and mixes are very diverse and touch on multiple genres of bass music, are each of you partial to a specific genre?

Jahan: We play a little bit of everything in our sets. I’d say it’s an equal balance if not a little bit more electro house but eventually we’d like it to be a little heavy on the drum and bass.

Yasmine: Yeah we are definitely partial to drum and bass.

Jahan: I’d love to play an entire drum and bass set and maybe after w come out with the album which is going to be a little heavier on drum and bass we will be able to do that but I don’t think people are fully reacting to it in the U.S.

Yasmine: They aren’t ready for it yet!


Q: So when are we going to start seeing live vocals in your performances?

Jahan: Very soon!

Yasmine: (Cough, cough)

Jahan: Yes, yes we did it in Australia at Stereosonic. We did a hybrid live DJ set. Right now we are just doing DJ sets but it’s definitely something that is going to happen.

Mgmt: The Debut of the live set with vocals is going to be Ultra 2013.


Q: Lastly, seeing as it is New Years Eve, Do you believe in resolutions and if you do what are your resolutions for the coming year?

Yasmine: I never make resolutions.

Jahan: I do but I forget!

Yamsine: But people are asking us in interviews and so I’m like fine I have to make one so I said this earlier so my resolution is to learn how to play piano.

Kris: I’m going to get a haircut.

Jahan: (laughs)

Yasmine: Why you said you were going to let it grow!

Kris: That’s my resolution, to get a haircut. Why does everyone have a problem with my goddamn resolution?

Jahan: Mine is to write more, be in the studio more and work out more just because tour life is very unhealthy. It’s not as glamorous as you think it is!


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