Readers, you are in for a treat. Montreal-based duo Botnek have just put out a new mixtape and turned things up to full-on party mode. This mix laughs in the face of genre names and instead takes the listener on a 58 minute journey through all things rave. I have to give a lot of respect to Botnek for this one. It’s not too often when you hear a mix that stands out from the others in terms of song selection. They brought in songs both old and new and executed the mix to perfection. I also have to give thanks to Tommie Sunshine for tweeting about this mix otherwise it might have slipped through the cracks. Listen below and if you like what you hear head over to their Facebook page for a free download.
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=true&color=000000″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
-DD @fingerscrossedd