Since the project’s inception, Destroid has been an undertaking with the sole purpose of revolutionizing the way electronic artists perform and display their craft. With their recent live debut in San Francisco, the trio have been under heaps of scrutiny, questioning the “live” aspects of the spectacle as well as the boundaries the group are truly shattering. In lieu of this event, the man behind the madness that is Destroid, Excision, spoke out to highlight the details of the monumental project he and his fellow group members have recently unveiled.
From the outset, the goal of Destroid’s live show was to have just that.. a live show. To create the real world of these characters, they each needed the ability to perform and react in real time. With that goal in mind, we began designing the interactive system. It’s a tech-nerd’s dream; an incredible synergy of performance & technology requiring borderline insane problem solving, not to mention inventing some new ways to throw control signals around a venue!
Custom MIDI Guitars with LED fretboards, a body full of pads & knobs, and string triggers were being fabricated by Starr Labs in San Diego. They make the most responsive, velocity sensitive, 6-string, 24-fret MIDI instruments we had seen. (Excision Midi Guitar pictured above). To make these guitars behave as we wanted our tech guy Matt wrote a Max/MSP external that allowed us to easily control Ableton Live. This included on-the-fly mapping changes, a multiple output port routing system, pathways for the appropriate LED feedback, and MIDI to Artnet conversion to send commands through to the lighting console (for CO2 blasts & helmet and arm-mounted lasers, and many more “weapons” we have yet to unveil).
Our two redundant Ableton playback systems take MIDI-In (via MIDI Solutions Thrus & Merges) from the Midi Guitars, KJ’s Roland V Drums, and from a pair of Roland FC300 footswitches that Jeff & Sean use to control effects, mapping changes etc. All drums parts & bass samples are played live, in Ableton samplers and drum racks. We had to actually split our 75 minute set in to two separate projects as Ableton could not handle having an entire sets worth of individual samplers/drum racks for each bass sample/drum hit.
The suits are nothing short of amazing. Although they are insanely heavy (something we are working to give us more flexibility and energy on stage) they have on-board power, under-suits that circulate cold water, helmet microphones, and in-ear monitors. All embedded RGB LEDs are individually addressable & controlled by the lighting team on their console via wireless DMX.
There are also a lot of moving pieces to the visual show. We’re sending song unique SMPTE time code from the Ableton rigs to control all lighting and video cues. Some of these cues are built into the structure of each song, others are triggered from the guitars and drums. A video rig running Modul8 sends the video output to a projector that makes post-apocalyptic cityscapes and spaceship control center backdrops come alive.
Together this creates a dynamic show that delivers a unique story to the audience. There’s room for tweaking and improvements in all departments, having only played one show together both as artists and as a 16 person crew. We’re extremely happy with how things went and are looking looking forward to the future as we experiment with this groundbreaking technology to continually develop the most insane experience possible with our fans. We have only scratched the surface, and are excited to see Destroid evolve.
From personal experience, witnessing many of Excision‘s live solo performances, I have nothing but respect for the man and the group. After watching clips of their live performance, it is clear that what Destroid is currently accomplishing is truly revolutionary. From start to finish, the costumes, the music and the performance are a spectacle, pushing bass music in the right direction.
It is insane when realize how much money that shit had to cost lol.
I think London Elektricity spoke to hastily, but I think I understand the core of what his feelings on this are and have deep respect for the guy’s work. Destroid is playing really filthy/grimey brostep fusion stuff and honestly, it just seems like borderline heavy metal to me. Much, not all, is just very noisy midrange, BUT the showmanship going into the performance is astounding. The costumes and theme are just out of this world (literally). If I had the chance I would totally go see a live show. So I guess I agree and disagree with LE on the situation.
Also its not revolutionary, theres plenty of live dance acts that have mastered the use of midi technology
Sure – but i think ‘Revolutionary’ is under the context of its uniqueness.
basically this is bad ass. that’s all.
anyone who hates is just a hater– there was obviously so much work put into this, and while I do love the music the video is just nuts! keep up the great work and can’t wait to see you if you come to miami with that set.
LE isn’t that awesome imo
was thinking the same thing!!
Well… Fuck you London Electricity! You are nothing but poor CD player! That is how the real show should look like. Not only staying behind the CD players and wacky waving with hands above head!
I love dubstep and I love metal. Destroid makes me happy. 😀
I believe that London Elektricity was commenting on the video that was posted by Destroid, how it looks fake, I am sure it isn’t as I am a huge fan of both Excision and Destroid. It hardly matters in the grand scheme of things as the Invasion will not happen on British soil as much as the UK dubstep scene wants them to do one tour here
WTF do you mean not revolutionary. Name one other EDM artist that has 3 people performing on completely custom instruments LIVE. DJ’s dont count, know why? Bc they use the same damn turntables and sample decks.
obviously you’ve never seen London Elektricity live. pure musicianship. no sequencer, no ableton. everything being played live. all the sample was put into akai s-5000 triggered manually on keyboard by Tony Colman and Landslide. live deumming using REAL drum (not pad) by Jungle drummer. Real upright bass, real rhodes & wurly by leeann carroll. Basically London Elektricity live is a real band relying on skills, not gimmicks. perhaps you should go on youtube and search for Lobdob Elektricity live at the jazz cafe. If there’s electeonic musician that can criticize other act, Lobdon Elektricity would be it. They’ve done it all back in the days when the so called brostep has yet to exist.
Yeah because more spectacle is exactly what the EDM world needs right now…
man shut the fuck up you sound foolish
KJ sawaka go back to your roots please!
There is no edm worrrrlllddd
Brian Drach, Destroid is playing @[266601769299:274:Camp Bisco]
Excision is metal head and his music is heavily influenced by metal..that’s the whole point of it.
although people are talking mad shit about Excision AND his production of Destroid, he has upheld his dignity and has not fallen to the level of everyone hating on his vision. like you, I also have a lot of respect for him not only as a artist or visionary, but as a person as well. kudos to you excision, you create amazing music, but your character is what makes you my favorite producer.
Such hatred for production lol
You can’t forget Downlink and Kj Sawka! I’m sure they had a lot of input into this as well. Kj has also responded to some of the nasty criticisms as well, and, has kept a high level of integrity while responding back.
it is UNBELIEVEABLE how amazing Excision is and what he’s done. His stuff is mind-blowing, and everything he has done is completely original and comes out ridiculously good. There are none better.
Sorry mate, but I’ve seen him on Let It Roll festival in Czecg republic – he played od decks. And than he played in Brno – decks also. Anyway – he just never dud show like Destroid – with such a difficult arrangement. He is just jealous, that Destroit made way better show than he ever did. He just can’t diss them.
This is how Excision sounds, he is known for his filthy dubstep. Downlink is also.
London Elektricity sounds like beeps and boops. Nothing really appeasing
right, they all 3 deserve equal credit and respect…
He actually does both. He plays on decks for some shows (like Hospitality, for instance), but he also has a live show sometimes.
destroid aint no plur ravey edm bullshit, destroid is destroid!!!!!! and they kill it. mad respect for all that they are doing
Nigel, it is not totally revolutionary. Chase & Status, Pendulum, Sub Focus, and Roni Size have all done this before. I’m pretty sure DJ Shadow has used midi for his live shows as well, but I’m not entirely certain. Also, Daft Punk have controllers on stage for their light pyramid as well as their music. That being said, the amount of work and production that has gone into making Destroid is remarkable. Nothing about Destroid is truly “revolutionary,” but it is VERY impressive.
I don’t understand why Destroid needed to be defended in the first place… Downlink threw down one the top 2 sets I have ever seen, and I love going to shows of any kind (except house, I’m not a one beat person). However, there is always something lost when the show is performed by a DJ/Producer behind a table. Future Rock is my favorite alternative, with 3 members each on an instrument playing upbeat electronic music, there is no better way to enjoy it. And now here comes Destroid completely innovating the way they perform their ART to bring you exactly that. These 3 should be revered for having taken the effort to create something entirely unique to bring the fans more entertainment, instead of just doing the same old thing. They had a vision that they brought to life for the soul of their art, rather than collecting a paycheck and moving on. I hope they get to Chicago soon, because I need to see this.
Nigel Morford Look up acts like kraftwerk, basement jaxx, orbital, faithless, pendulum’s live show, the bloody beetroots live show, plastikman. So maybe they dont all look like “rock bands”, but live instruments using midi technology is nothing new. And again i said its impressive and an awesome show, just not ‘revolutionary’. Also ‘EDM’ is pretty much cheese compared to what electronic music used to be before the 2010 hype
don’t worry guys we got your back…kids are going to hate…. I’m pumped to hear you guys using ableton. I’ve been dreaming of a live rig for a while with ableton at the core but ran into the same problem of not being able to get a whole set into one project…..
people don’t realize this is the beginning. it’s not like you guys have been playing this rig for 10 years and just broke into the scene. your developing and troubleshooting as you go. I’m a huge trent reznor fan and when he first started most of what he did had to be pre recorded in order for him to replicate what he was doing….as time went on he found ways to make it more and more interactive for a live show….look at NIN now…..
don’t listen to the haters just keep doing what your doing and stay focused on making it better and better each time.
thats like telling microsoft to bring back windows 95…. it was good then…. time to move on…. idiot
could not of said it better
but… windows xp is better than windows 8
My favorite things all crammed into one. The heaviness of excisions sets and songs is what got me so into him in the first place. my favorite artist, creating a band with my favorite type of sound. heavy and electronic bass. bflkjasldfjdls /dies.
Don’t forget the techy’s 🙂
Damn, that’s alot of cash.
i am very aware that there are other people included in executing his vision
not only is it bad ass, but yes it is also bad ass.
The people who hate on this are just jealous that they didn’t do it first. No one coulda pulled this off better, X.
i agree!
@[110922085593796:274:SPACE LACES] , That is all.
what you guys are doing is brilliant… fuck the haters.
i screenshotted this and put it on twitter because of how great that comment was
Bassnectar helped too
Haters make you Famous!
cool production….shit live performance. Love all 3 guys but when your not ready your not ready. clearly in San Fran they were not ready to perform live. I expect to see some big changes though and something pretty intense the next time around. The writer is a bit of a kiss ass bit then again arnt most lol.
ps downlink is one of my fav DJs Excision is well good to….just need to re examine the live cheese brought to the table.
I don’t see why any one would bitch about this destroid act. I mean its better than watching armin van buren send instant messages on stage while hes supose to be mixing…..
Oh gosh. what did me and my friend start. We were the first ones to address this issue to destroid. We both addressed it as professionals too. simply stating issues we had with how much of it was actually live and what exactly was being done. Excision messaged me too and debunked that for me. I was just under the assumption that the guitars would be played more like a guitar and not just used to trigger samples. As a musician I expected more. As for people who just enjoy the music, they had a blast at the first destroid show. I’m only one person out of many who was not satisfied and that’s no big deal. Destroid has the majority favor so even with the few that have an issue, to them it’s not that much of a problem..
Not to mention there was just way more hype than need be. How is this revolutionary when modestep does the same exact thing? trigger sampling isn’t new. The costumes and the show were pretty cool, but compared to Excision executioner visuals. Destroid really didn’t have crazy visuals. I’m prety sure on the Executioner they use more than one projector unlike their destroid show…Another issue I had, was the 16 man crew behind them that is used to keep this thing going. I understand it’s a huge process and all, but it shouldn’t take that many people just to maintain sound. obviously some are used for the lights, but i really would like to hear a more in depth description of what each and every one of those people are doing exactly. I never started this whole fake things to call out Excision or anyone part of Destroid. I simply wanted to know more of the process and what exactly they were doing to take this “to the next level”….I hope as they progress as a band they do more in depth crazier and creative stuff, and I only wish the best of luck to them
Shit just got real..
Truly revolutionary!
IDGAF what anyone else thinks about this but their show today was the highlight of my Orion weekend!
While not a huge follower of this genre, I have always felt that what I like best, or what moves me most are artists who use a mixture of all available technology with the organic- like these cats are doing. A guy hovering over a laptop on a banquet table raised above the crowd will never have the visceral impact that a bunch of guys fucking rocking out with “instruments” in their hands will.
While not a huge follower of this genre, I have always felt that what I like best, or what moves me most are artists who use a mixture of all available technology with the organic- like these cats are doing. A guy hovering over a laptop on a banquet table raised above the crowd will never have the visceral impact that a bunch of guys fucking rocking out with “instruments” in their hands will.
This is pretty badass, BTW. I you tubed some of their vids.
This is pretty badass, BTW. I you tubed some of their vids.
Bitches be afraid of the unknown. Excision is just trying to take it to the HNL. he bout to change the game but some are afraid of the change.
EXCISION … 16 videos with over a million views that are actually his own productions … London Elektricity … zero videos that are his own productions with over a million views (youtube) … EXCISION – 1,300,000 likes fb, DESTROID – 99,500 likes fb (wow & only been in existence as a group for a few months!), London Elektricity – struggling to hit 90k likes fb … i dont know, just sayin …