Madeon, the French prodigy, has just released his latest masterpiece in the form of Technicolor, but if you thought the single and its accompanying music video was all the artist had planned, think again. Madeon decided to send his fans on an intriguing and mysterious scavenger hunt that begins at his newly designed website ( and ends who knows where (yet). So unless you’ve been paying attention to twitter or reddit, we’re going to let you in on the fun. We’ll be giving you a few hints to set you off but that’s it, and if you reach the end feel free to let us know what you found in the comment section below.
Note: The steps and hints don’t refer to all the hidden clues, just a part of the mystery. We would also recommend you check out the intriguing letters that you see during some of Madeon’s teasers, going as far back as Finale…
Here are a few steps to get you started and then a few hints.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Type in “icarus fell”
UPDATE: Here’s an extra hint for everyone. Enjoy!
Hint: The Pixel Empire refers to the artwork that you can download here: DOWNLOAD. Be creative when thinking about inside, don’t just look at the artwork as a one dimensional object.
And off you go!
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
I’m totally lost.
I can’t figure anything out.
the morse code at the bottom translates to “typit”.
that was clever.
Yea, you type Icarus Fell, then “the secret is inside the pixel empire” shows up. From there, 15 minutes of googling has not turned up anything 😛
if you zoom the ”inside” box, you can see 2 different pixels in the mountain, maybe we can use them for something?
There is morse code at the bottom of the website that says TYPEIT.
there’s a morse code underneath the link to the youtube teaser which says ´type it´.
Alright, I’ll tell you what I have have so far…When it told us “The Secret is Inside the Pixel Empire” it gave me a hint to Look at the album cover. Which has A pixelated building. The colors Red, Yellow, Red, Orange are covering up the the Empire.
The only thing That reminded me of this was Madeons music video (Madeon- The City) When it the smoke filled the skys.
They used the same colors.
In the End, a New empire Has awakened with new beings to show up. Meaning a Sequel to the battle with new Opponents.
That’s All I could think of.
Next hint: see the pixel empire as a metaphor and that you do not need to leave the website to find it.
if you scroll all the way down, is there also some morse code in the mountain?
Ok using the weird letters in the new video, “But We Can Get It Back” flashes VERY briefly at the end of the Technicolor video. Also, in the music video for The City, near the beginning, “This Was Our City” is written on a wall. Hope that helps!
Pixel Empire = Video.. and the secret is the message in the video with all the weird letters?
May have no relevance but just downloaded the artwork from the store, there is some writing on the back artwork but I can’t read it.
“Inside the pixel empire.” Well inside a pixel is a vivid color, the definition of “Technicolor.”
“Icarus Fell” comes from the morse code, which you can hear in the very end of Technicolor, and then the site’s morse code is “type it”, which means u type Icarus Fell, which is the first step! Haven’t figured out further.
anyone know what are this symbolic letters called? on the wall right here:
hi everybody! I think that the “pixel empire” is in reality the screen and in particular the mountains in the back of the website. for me these mountains looks like a soundcloud track ( maybe a new madeon music… )
the back-artwork says “we can get it back” – but nothing happend if I typed it – with or without spaces.
Right under the video on the website written in Morse Code it says “Type It”.
Guys, read the text with red and blue 3D glasses on..
In the description of the teaser video for technicolor, there is this: “In certain ways it’s almost a spiritual sequel to Icarus.” I have a strong feeling that this is a clue.
download the zip pack on madeons website containing the artwork and release info. The back artwork has something interesting 🙂
Apparently the ‘Pixel Empire’ clue is linked to the artwork, the front cover appears to have a pixel city, or empire on it…the only clue I have as of yet is it is the secret is physically inside the picture somewhere. As for the back cover that says ‘we can get it back’ which does nothing when typed.
Those colours remind me of the Nintendo logo, when you launch the N64 or something. He is apperantly a big fan of Zelda, but I don’t know.
the word is inside the pixel empire?
He’s going on a world tour! I wish.
Hint: Let’s say the artwork cover you downloaded from madeon’s website and unzipped is the pixel empire. Now you just have to look _inside_ it.
The Pixel Empire is the Album Art which you can download from the website. It includes a front and a back side, the front is the one you’ve seen and the back has “we can get it back” written on it in the weird letters which is also in the teaser video briefly, on the front, I think I see the number 9 written above the O in Madeon, idk what it means unfortunately, if it’s even meant to be there.
When you zoom in and out of the website the background slightly changes color.
Also it looks like part of the album art is in 3D, like some of the letters in Madeon.
He’s also holding up 5 fingers on the album art.
Came crashing down – but we won’t stop.
Where do you type it in? I’m on the website but can’t find it.
Alright people listen up, The secret is “inside” the picture, inside being a very key word. When I say inside I don’t mean the visual picture itself, I mean inside the jpg file of the picture. Anyone who is good with computers will be able to solve it.
there’s a person in the middle window of the pixel structure.
1. “Finale One Last Time”.
2. “This Was Our City”.
3. “But We Can Get It Back”.
4. “The Pixelated Empire”.
The Pixelated Empire is most likely referring to the home of the people in “The City” music video. Also, the phrases put together could say, ” This was our city, ( as in, we lost it once ) but we can get it back ( fight for it, like they did in “The City” music video”, one last time.”
“This was our city. But we can get it back, one last time.”
Sorta nerdy, but I tried changing the image files to.txt and opening them with notepad, but it didn’t show anything up, there are no “hidden messages” encoded (at least like that) in the image files. Anyone a little more tech-savvy want to try something else like this? That’s what I think “inside” might mean.
Another idea, I don’t have Photoshop, but anyone that does could try some stuff regarding using different layers.
Next clue is “Came crashing down, but we won’t stop.” I have no idea where to go from there lol.
its simple. View the files of the front picture.
GUYS, download the artwork and open it in winrar, then rightclick each of the photos and click ”view file” you get two new photos that says ”ONE and TWO”.
If you download the artwork you can see what is inside pixel empire. It writes something but in MADEON’s alphabet. I figure it ot this: _E CAN _ET IT _ACK. Probalbly it’s WE CAN GET IT BACK or something like that but Idk what’s next!
Is the answer just the decoded morse code from the artwork?
Any one who needs help with this, I’ve put together a folder of all my findings so far.
Finale One Last Time.
This City Was Ours.
Icarus Fell
Came Crashing Down.
But We Don’t Stop.
We Can Get It Back.
If someone has an ioncube decoder laying around, they could just decode what’s on the page source;.
[“x37x33x2Cx36x37x2Cx36x35x2Cx38x32x2Cx38x35x2Cx38x33x2Cx33x32x2Cx37x30x2Cx36x39x2Cx37x36x2Cx37x36″,”x37x33x2Cx36x37x2Cx36x35x2Cx38x32x2Cx38x35x2Cx38x33x2Cx37x30x2Cx36x39x2Cx37x36x2Cx37x36″,”x6Bx65x79x43x6Fx64x65″,”x70x75x73x68″,”x69x6Ex64x65x78x4Fx66″,”x66x61x73x74″,”x6Cx69x6Ex65x61x72″,”x61x6Ex69x6Dx61x74x65″,”x62x61x63x6Bx67x72x6Fx75x6Ex64x2Dx69x6Dx61x67x65″,”x75x72x6Cx28x2Ex2Fx69x6Dx61x67x65x73x2Fx64x65x62x75x67x2Ex70x6Ex67x29″,”x63x73x73″,”x6Fx70x61x63x69x74x79″,”x23x6Cx6Fx67x6F”,”x68x74x6Dx6Cx2Cx20x62x6Fx64x79″,”x6Bx65x79x64x6Fx77x6E”];var StatKeyArray=[];StatKey=_0x1d3b[0];StatKey2=_0x1d3b[1];$(document)[_0x1d3b[14]](function (_0xeeafx2){StatKeyArray[_0x1d3b[3]](_0xeeafx2[_0x1d3b[2]]);if(StatKeyArray.toString()[_0x1d3b[4]](StatKey)>=0||StatKeyArray.toString()[_0x1d3b[4]](StatKey2)>=0){$(_0x1d3b[13])[_0x1d3b[7]]({scrollTop:0},_0x1d3b[5],_0x1d3b[6], function (){$(_0x1d3b[12])[_0x1d3b[10]](_0x1d3b[11], 0)[_0x1d3b[10]](_0x1d3b[8],_0x1d3b[9])[_0x1d3b[7]]({opacity:1}, 3000);} );StatKeyArray=[];} ;} );.
Here’s what I’ve made of all the little messages ( I had to cut out the word “Finale” in order for it to make a bit more sense): “Icarus fell. Came Crashing Down. But we don’t stop. This was our city. We can get it back. One last time.”
I see writing on madeons arm that looks like the strange writing in “the city” video, but I think its too obvious to mean anything.
What are the vocals saying at 1:27 and again at 4:25? It sounds either “Now we’re dancing” or ” Now we can see.” The last syllable could also actually be two mashed together and be the word “city.”
Any thoughts?