Boulder based booty movers, BEARSOHMY recently dropped their re-imagining of Major Lazer & Pharrel Williams massive collab piece, Aerosol Can. BEARSOHMY‘s 100 bpm “re-twerk” (if you will) is without a doubt one of the freshest re-works of the song I’ve had the luck to lay my ears on.
Focusing heavily on percussive elements and that tasty, tasty 808 kick, the BEARSOHMY remix revamps Aerosol Can into peak-time certified DJ ammo. Converting a lyrical hip-hop piece into a working set piece is in and of itself an accomplishment, but making it a genuine, quality tune, is something of an art-form. This Colorado based duo has done an expert job with their remix, especially considering when so many have fallen flat, or failed to embrace it as a true remix. For a remix that captures the feel of the already awesome original while adding its own flair and swagger, look no further. Check out BEARSOHMY bootymix of Aersol Can below!
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