Chainsmokers members Alex Pall and Drew Taggart have just found themselves buried beneath a veritable mountain of Internet hate after criticizing both Rihanna and Lady Gaga in a recent interview with The Rolling Stone.
In the inteview, Pall referenced the new music coming out of Lady Gaga’s camp with as much bluntness as he could muster. “It sucks,” he told The Rolling Stone before Taggart added, “She’s a great artist – like, Jeff Koons made a sculpture of her…”
When speaking of their hit track “Don’t Let Me Down,” the DJ said that they had initially reached out to Rihanna to perform the vocals. When she declined and Daya stepped up to the plate, Pall said that they owed the song’s success to her tenacity and dedication. “Young unknown artists have this hunger — they’re willing to work really hard.”
The comments regarding the two pop singers set a blazing fire underneath the seats of their respective fan bases, who quickly took to Twitter to begin the #TheChainsmokersAreOverParty hashtag. Many referenced the amount of awards and accolades Lady Gaga has earned during her career in comparison to The Chainsmokers, with some even going so far as to paste in a visual representation of her massive collection. The rest of the tweets, so far, are filled to the brim with more direct forms of shade.
Check out some of the tweets below.
Despite their rude remarks towards Lady Gaga, she has 6 Grammys, 190 million record sales, sold out tours, etc. #TheChainsmokersAreOverParty
— Pop Media Network (@PopMediaNet) October 12, 2016
Me when I saw The Chainsmokers tried to drag Gaga as if they have ever made a song as good as Perfect Illusion #TheChainsmokersAreOverParty
— nick (@JuustAnotherDay) October 12, 2016
Source: ZMOnline