It was revealed earlier today that Datsik had been dropped by his management, booking agency, and label following numerous accusations of sexual misconduct. While his relationship with his management and booking agency were rather cut and dry, himself being a client of those entities, his status within his label was more complicated… as he was the the founder and co-owner of Firepower Records.
In Firepower’s statement today regarding the allegations, it stated, “All operations and creative direction for the label will be taken over by co-owner and Label Manager, Sharra Grace.”
Until this point, Datsik has acted as the figure head for the label, as well as A&R, while Sharra has managed day to day operations. After the events of this week, as mentioned in the public statement, Datsik will no longer have an active role in the label and his roles will either be absorbed by Sharra or someone else on the team.
In fact, according to the publicly available LLC filing, Sharra has been acting manager of the label since at least August 2017, if not earlier.
The future of Firepower Records rests in good hands, and hopefully fans will be able to enjoy good music without the stain of Datsik’s now-tarnished reputation ruining the experience.
Shara is datsik’s girlfriend so obviously he will still have his hand in it
they split up a long time ago
lol when i met him and hung out with him on his tour bus in feb 8th he told me they were in an open relationship and surprise surprise he was also being creepy which is was prompted me to ask if he was in a relationship still
Does this even matter? She’s the legal acting manager. Regardless of their relationship the law says she can legally still keep her place.