In a recent interview with White Raver Rafting, Wolfgang Gartner, also known as Joey Youngman, turned what could have been one of those generic Q&A sessions into one of the most honest and interesting interviews that an artist has gave in a while. With the interview touching on subjects from the beginning of Wolfgang’s career to the future of EDM, the real Wolfgang Gartner personality came out during this interview.
To kick off the interview Wolfgang talked about his early productions, and his reasons behind his crucial transition from underground house music to electro house music.
“There are a ton of reasons I don’t make underground house anymore. First and foremost, it’s underground. I got tired of living beneath the surface. I wanted my music to get more exposure and reach more people, I felt it deserved it, and there was no way to do that without changing the music.”
Every artist has to start somewhere, and for Wolfgang Gartner that beginning really started to take off in 2009 with one of his breakthrough releases, “Wolfgang’s 5th Symphony”. On being asked why such a massively popular track of his never makes it into his sets anymore, Wolfgang responded,
“The reason I don’t play it anymore is because it’s not representative of who I am as an artist anymore, or of the music that I make and play now. I made it in 2008. That’s 5 years ago. It came out in 2009. To me it sounds extremely cheesy, cliche, and dated now. I know that it would probably get a great response if I played it, and I’m there to play for the crowd, but that song is just one bullet I can’t bite anymore.”
If you’ve ever been pissed off at your favorite artist for not playing their hit song from 5 years ago; there’s your reason why. It’s an honest answer and definitely wasn’t the end of Wolfgang’s straight forwardness while answering all these questions. To finish up the interview, Wolfgang was asked “In your opinion, which artists should we keep an eye out for in 2013”? He responded with,
“To be perfectly honest, and I hate to sound negative, cynical or condescending in any way but that’s probably how this will come off, I’ve been really bummed with most of the new music that’s been making waves in 2013. I feel like the “big” sound in dance music right now is just this mashup of every single subgenre possible, to try and appeal to the most people possible, with these cheesy played-out trance pads and vocal hooks, it all sounds exactly the same and it’s really bad for the most part, and the scariest thing is that people are reacting to this stuff, crowds at festivals and clubs are wanting more of it. A few of us have deemed it the EDM Apocolypse. Dance music is in a really weird place right now. I don’t know where it’s going to go. In some way I’m hoping Daft Punk single-handedly destroys this phenomenon we’re experiencing and un-brainwashes everybody into realizing that real music should have some soul and authenticity to it, and not just be a big kick drum and a trance breakdown with a cheesy one-liner and a “big drop.”
It seems like every other week now a big name artist is referencing this “EDM Apocalypse”, and the lack of innovation that has been plaguing the genre recently. Wolfgang Gartner now stands aside notable producers such as Fat Boy Slim and Diplo, who have also spoken out on the topic (in interviews HERE and HERE) regarding this recent “boring” trend of EDM. It is more than a breath of fresh air hearing these big producers speak their mind on this issue in the EDM community, especially when it is coming from those with enormous impacts on the electronic music genre as it continues to evolve before our eyes.
Source: White Raver Rafting
Apocalypse is not a great word to describe it. As producers and evolved listeners, we can hear more than the regular fan, and what scares us is the lack of new inspiring music. But for an industry that’s flourishing right now, it’s not going to all end in a apocalypse.
I have high hopes for EDM, it’s not like a helpless cause like most things in America. You forget that the true fans are deeply affected by this music, and if notable talent exists they will listen to them over the norm.
Maybe it’s time to seek out new music from fresh artists instead of only posting releases from the big dogs; that’s the repetitive stand-still EDM is at right now.
LOL, so I guess he hates the very music he makes.
Wolfgang always sticks to his own ideas. Listen to his latest releases and they sound nothing like what other big artists are doing at the moment.
Honestly as a fan who supported electronica (I hate calling it “EDM”) since 1999 I agree with Wolfgang on several key points. Back in the day the real ravers only dreamed of the day that electronica would go mainstream so others could share our passion, and at the beginning when it did go mainstream it was unbelievable. However a couple of years later and all I’m hearing is the same mundane sound and repetitive loops. Nothing really excites me anymore. Hell even some of these festivals that these kids call raves are getting ridiculous and played out. Hell back in my day the thought of calling a music festival a rave was blasphemy. Raves were underground and not commercialized. People were there to for the music and to see DJ’s mix, and not just hit play. I love daft punks new album and hopefully they’ll blow this phase out the water.
You’re clearly new to the scene
You’re clearly new to the scene
you sound like an ex-hippy grandpa yapping about woodstock ’69
or just someone who wants to see EDM turn back into more than just a kick drum and generic bass lines that it is now.
or just someone who wants to see EDM turn back into more than just a kick drum and generic bass lines that it is now.
Is everyone that always responds and hates on DJ’s like 12 years old?! Gtfo.
Is everyone that always responds and hates on DJ’s like 12 years old?! Gtfo.
“To be perfectly honest, and I hate to sound negative, cynical or condescending in any way but that’s probably how this will come off, I’ve been really bummed with most of the new music that’s been making waves in 2013. I feel like the “big” sound in dance music right now is just this mashup of every single subgenre possible, to try and appeal to the most people possible, with these cheesy played-out trance pads and vocal hooks, it all sounds exactly the same and it’s really bad for the most part, and the scariest thing is that people are reacting to this stuff, crowds at festivals and clubs are wanting more of it. A few of us have deemed it the EDM Apocolypse. Dance music is in a really weird place right now. I don’t know where it’s going to go. In some way I’m hoping Daft Punk single-handedly destroys this phenomenon we’re experiencing and un-brainwashes everybody into realizing that real music should have some soul and authenticity to it, and not just be a big kick drum and a trance breakdown with a cheesy one-liner and a “big drop.”.
Don’t think I could have summed it up better myself! Wolfgang clearly is one of the greats!
Anyone who disagrees about these statements will just never know what it felt like to discover music that would change the world on some blog that doesn’t even exist anymore in your living room in 2007 and then go to a house party full of drunk people who wouldn’t think to ever take molly in that environment and dance and get called a fag for doing it by frat boys to and from the house. But I’ll tell you: It felt amazing.
I was the weird kid listening to “techno” in high school. Now everyone any their mom is poppin a molly and sweatin.
EDM has an endless potential, the lack of originality is a cause of artists wanting to be like each other, and it’s a conscious thing. Music evolves on its own, it will shrink down to repetitive queues and loops, and it will jump back up and it will drop again, that’s just the way it goes. I’m definitely new to the rave scene, and there is always an underground artist that I didn’t find yet that will keep the faith, especially with the internet where you could find underground artists that go way back that I never heard of but fall in love with, sometimes daily, weekly, monthly, annually – there’s always someone out there. The EDM tradition should be about being true to one’s self, no matter how repetitive, boring, exciting or what have you, because there is no success without failure, just like there is no sound without silence.
I like some shitty songs myself, everyone does. Let’s just make best of what we have, and if there is an artist amongst us then he/she could learn from their experience and make something that no one has ever heard before, play the game to change the game.
its about time someone said cuz music is boaring now.
Wolfgang Gartner – Forever (feat. <- I'm still a fan, but I'll never forget this.
In all honesty I am sick and tired of reading the same old threads with people complainning about how much better everything was back in the day or how cool you are because you were there at the beginning. I apologize that I was in elementary school back in the 90s and didn’t have the opportunity to experience “real raves” but there’s not a whole lot I can do about that. In my opinion it is better late than never that I have joined the electronic scene so it is really obnoxious when people who have been in the scene longer trash people because they are just discovering it. Also it is difficult to search through millions of songs made decades ago and and find what what electronic music is “supposed” to sound like. I need a little more to go on than just deadmau5 and daft punk which seem to be the only artists people mention when they talk about how music should be. Sure I’m uneducated on the scene, I can admit that, but what I’ve experienced I really enjoy and I am doing everything I can to learn. So don’t hate on those new to the scene and complain that we are doing it wrong when you don’t want to lift a finger to do anything about it. You just whine saying how new stuff is generic and cheesy and other words that are incredibly subjective. How about being an active member of the community and not so passive. Don’t like the direction music is going, make your own, be the change in the world you want to see. In conclusion Wolfgang shouldn’t be leaving the responsibility of “waking up” everyone to Daft Punk, it should be everyone’s goal to do that themselves.
In all honesty I am sick and tired of reading the same old threads with people complainning about how much better everything was back in the day or how cool you are because you were there at the beginning. I apologize that I was in elementary school back in the 90s and didn’t have the opportunity to experience “real raves” but there’s not a whole lot I can do about that. In my opinion it is better late than never that I have joined the electronic scene so it is really obnoxious when people who have been in the scene longer trash people because they are just discovering it. Also it is difficult to search through millions of songs made decades ago and and find what what electronic music is “supposed” to sound like. I need a little more to go on than just deadmau5 and daft punk which seem to be the only artists people mention when they talk about how music should be. Sure I’m uneducated on the scene, I can admit that, but what I’ve experienced I really enjoy and I am doing everything I can to learn. So don’t hate on those new to the scene and complain that we are doing it wrong when you don’t want to lift a finger to do anything about it. You just whine saying how new stuff is generic and cheesy and other words that are incredibly subjective. How about being an active member of the community and not so passive. Don’t like the direction music is going, make your own, be the change in the world you want to see. In conclusion Wolfgang shouldn’t be leaving the responsibility of “waking up” everyone to Daft Punk, it should be everyone’s goal to do that themselves.
Bullshit. I hear new producers all the time that are trying something innovative. Just because it doesn’t make it to the Ultra/EDC/other overhyped festival’s mainstage doesn’t mean nobody is listening to it or producing it. Look up EPROM, Ill Gates, Bonobo, Emancipator, How To Destroy Angels, Modeselektor, and tell me they aren’t doing something different from the avicii’s and swedish house mafia’s that plague the scene. Media coverage has locked in on one aspect of the EDM world, because it’s easy to understand and sells a lot of tickets. Anyone who thinks that is the entirity of the electronic music scene needs to get out to some smaller shows. I like Wolfgang ok, but I am sick of these electro DJ’s complaining because they pigeonhole themselves in this genre then act like they are the end all of dance music.
Terrible grammar at the first sentence. It shouldn’t bug me, but it does.
you may want to enroll in a grammar class in the future. Just saying!
you may want to enroll in a grammar class in the future. Just saying!
YES! Donte you’re so right and I’m happy I’m not the only one that cringes when people call it EDM…I think it’s almost a slap in the face to the true musical geniuses(that ARE still around). I’m talkin Richie Hawtin, Loco Dice, Joris Voorn, John Digweed, Knickelback(haha kidding)…the best producers in my opinion are the ones that haven’t sold out to frat bro’s screaming “where’s molly”
If someone (David Guetta) produces a track with chris brown and lil wayne and dare calls it an EDM track, this is the crap Wolfgang is talkin abt, dilution of EDM by all sorts of populist nonsense, there is no recognisable style in these tracks, can anyone honestly tell me they could recognise a new guetta track without readin the title?
This is the best response. Thank you. There are TONS of underground, innovative music that sounds great. It is only a select few that the media focuses on, and only a select few that get to be in the big festivals. The fault is in who is chosen to represent “EDM” on the Beatport front page and other music websites. It is great that names such as Wolfgang Gartner are recognizing how selfsame the EDM world is becoming… hmmm maybe now they shouldn’t be so elitist in their sets and take a look at the smaller labels for once? Just a thought.
Thanks! It’s good to know there are others out there willing to voice this opinion. With the freedom of so much information, and the exceedingly low cost and ease with which you can now record, produce, and share your own music, I just don’t see how anyone could really think a genre as colossal as EDM/electronica could be stagnating. Evolving, sure. Learning that playing the same old hits using the same old pattern isn’t going to work anymore, definitely. But dying? Not a chance. Not as long as I’m bumping tunes on my headphones or going to shows. Support your local artists! Doesn’t even have to cost you money just have an open mind and see what’s out there
i was around in the 90s. my first rave was 420 rave mpls. 1995. and i could not agree with you more. quit being elitist fags like you were a part of something that is not clearly better today…i used to have to go to this one record store and get a card with a number on it and a date and you called that day and it was busy all day long just to get directions to some shitty warehouse in a neighborhood you may get shot in to see local djs and it may get raided….last year i saw skrillex in an xwing fighter dj booth on a hydraulic lift infront of a 100 foot lcd screen…so yeah the end is near.
i was around in the 90s. my first rave was 420 rave mpls. 1995. and i could not agree with you more. quit being elitist fags like you were a part of something that is not clearly better today…i used to have to go to this one record store and get a card with a number on it and a date and you called that day and it was busy all day long just to get directions to some shitty warehouse in a neighborhood you may get shot in to see local djs and it may get raided….last year i saw skrillex in an xwing fighter dj booth on a hydraulic lift infront of a 100 foot lcd screen…so yeah the end is near.
I’d just like to say thanks for mentioning these artists, have introduced me to some awesome music!
“There are a ton of reasons I don’t make underground house anymore. First and foremost, it’s underground. I got tired of living beneath the surface. I wanted my music to get more exposure and reach more people, I felt it deserved it, and there was no way to do that without changing the music.”.
Nice. Way to start an interview bashing sellouts by stating that you sold yourself out…
What does Wolfgang do to promote innovative music? Kindergarten radio is all the same Electro House that he laments about. I mean, it’s cool stuff, but if he’s calling that innovative then I’m afraid he’s a poor judge of cutting edge.
One doesn’t even need to dig that deep underground to find fresh music. How ignorant can these big name DJ’s be? Try anyone on the Dirtybird or Hot Creations imprints. Justin Martin and company have been doing their thing for years without sacrificing their musical integrity and now that whole crew is coming up in a big way. Same thing with Lee Foss, Jamie Jones, and MK.
Here’s a list of artist that defeat genre barriers and are ABSOLUTELY doing something different… you might have heard of a few:
Flume, Robert Delong, Kastle, Disclosure, Justin Jay, ViLL∆GE, Digitaria… the list goes on and on.
I agree with Patrique – All the fucking idiots that look at main stage festival lineups and use that to wireframe the real artists in the industry aren’t important or doing anything meaningful or worthwhile in life anyways.
More artists that are killing it: Perseus, Minnesota, Kastle, Tycho, Camo & Krooked, The Prototypes, Charlie Darker, Sibot, Bondax and Ta-Ku – just to name a few.
Says the guy with 5 deadmau5 pictures on his profile…
I completely agree with Wolfgang Gartner. I mean look at how some people that call themselves “EDM” artists now because Electronic music finally evolved in this world. Like WILL.I.AM. is a perfect example. He is a joke and we all know that. First of all, Mat Zo and Arty found out that he stole their song. Then, to make it even worse, in the “WILL.I.AM confession video”, Will.I.AM said he already told the “guy” and that he “was excited”. You can tell that his followers believed him and before they found out that he stole it, his fans thought he made it. To cut to the chase, Will.I.Am. isn’t fit to make electronic music and he a joke. Also, perfect example of all of his drops in his songs are exactly what Wolgang Gartner said and are simple basslines. Another perfect example, is David Guetta. When I found out of “Sexy Bitch”, I thought the drop was so stupidly made. it was just a simple baseline and a clap. That’s when “EDM” started to die out. Hopefully Daft Punk makes a change.
very well said patrique. as an indie producer i appreciate that someone has a taste for whats new and something innovative, other than abusing the Follow me Synth preset on nexus2…. HONESTLY SICK OF THAT SYNTH…
if he seriously can’t find any new dance music that he likes, he isn’t looking hard enough. I really love wolfgang, and if he wanted to change what kind of music is popular, he could have a decent try at it. he’s big enough. he has a big enough following. so do it. find new artists out there who are innovating and doing something different from the synth stabs and complextro basslines, and expose them. he could have mentioned them in this article. he could put them on his podcast thingie. he’s not a helpless bystander; he was one of the key players who drove popular EDM into this direction. so change it!
Your set at coachella was dope!
I totally agree with you. Mainstream in general tends to be less inovative because of the risks inovation occur. Yes, a part of the EDM has now reached the mainstream level, but that fact isn’t gonna automaticaly kill human creativity.. there will always be creative people. And I think that if wolfang gartner is changing his music in a specific way to get a bigger audience, he is a bit part of that “apocalypse”
I don’t understand why all these big edm guys are lowering the morale of their own genres. Like look at pop music its fucking dead as it ever been. Rock music is dying out too, edm isn’t perfect but you have to stop focusing on david guetta and focus on the good music. EDM has alot of shitty songs but theyre is so much good underground edm aswell. If anything kills edm it will be guys that feature pop artists in their music that shit drives me nuts.
As someone who’s been listening to EDM for a long time & knows the ins and out of actual music production, I disagree. Some of the most interesting and innovative stuff is being released now by random people and its scaring the bigger acts.
Yep I agree! “Big” acts are scared of losing big boy status. Man up and make better tunes.
Also, if they claim EDM is so boring now, why aren’t they saving it? It’s because they are scared of becoming irrelevant as the next wave of new talent pushes them to the side.
wow bud put down the mdma and open your fuckin ears
Parker Robinson same here people used call me “gay” and now look at those guys singing these songs with a female vocalist lol…
Parker Robinson same here people used call me “gay” and now look at those guys singing these songs with a female vocalist lol…
deadmau5 is not the answer by the way lol…i agree with wolfgang on everything he mentioned but it is true…the fact that so many people are complaining about the current scene means somethin is horribly wrong…All i know is that if you wanna get educated stay away from the radio, if you go to edc for example check out the djs that are NOT on the main stage…
deadmau5 is not the answer by the way lol…i agree with wolfgang on everything he mentioned but it is true…the fact that so many people are complaining about the current scene means somethin is horribly wrong…All i know is that if you wanna get educated stay away from the radio, if you go to edc for example check out the djs that are NOT on the main stage…
disclosure is amazing 🙂 but yeah, kids want that big drop and they cant give em that…
disclosure is amazing 🙂 but yeah, kids want that big drop and they cant give em that…
HOW DARE YOU TALK SHIT ON THIS GUY….I went to my first actual festival in 2009 at Electric Zoo. It completely changed my life. This spring I had the honor of making it to Ultra. I am sick and tired of going to FESTIVALS AND SEEING 13 YEAR OLD KIDS, EYES COMPLETELY DILATED WITH A “WHERES MOLLY T-SHIRT”. So ill leave you Mr. Noris with a get fucked and get outta my scene/movement
It’s an electro house rendition of Beethoven’s 5th. Of course it sounds cheesy. And it’s fun. Both of those qualities were obvious in 2008. Fans who like it may undertand it better than the guy who made it.
Again that is the useless advice I am talking about , just cause they aren’t main stage and are underground doesn’t mean they are good. People shouldn’t act that genres like old school house were just magically concepted out of thin air, it is just an updated version of disco. This is similar to how alternative rock is an updated version of classic rock which is an updated version of blues and it keeps on going. People just like the music they grew up with better because it gives them feelings of nostalgia. Don’t act like older electronic songs didn’t all have similar themes, I’ve listened to 80s house and it mostly disco with a heavy base and snare (uhn tss). Not saying that means its good ir bad but don’t act like older music is so much more original than newer music. If you want to prove me otherwise give me better examples. I advise people to watch the web series everything is a remix.
What’s best about the rave scene isn’t even the music it the non judge mental community it offers. I think any real raver will know the difference between the real and fake rave scene is not the music but whether or not people follow and respect PLUR.
great article. you guys should check out my work
This is fucking ridiculous. Wolfgang’s entire “america” album has a ton of mainstream artists like, eve, etc…this is by far one of the most hypocritical interviews I’ve seen in dance music. DJs nowadays have this god complex where they think they can talk all the shit they want because they have devout fans like ourselves, but more and more I’m seeing that it’s just a bunch of hypocritical shit-talking. If you don’t like mainstream music today, why do you agree to play at festivals and shows? Don’t try and act like you’re above the mainstream when you feed into it. The term “EDM” is being monopolized for profit, and these artists make 6figure or million dollar deals and then try to act “cool” with interviews like this. Sorry, not buying it. Just make beautiful music, and stop complaining!
Seriously? This guy (I won’t even be respectful enough to type his name) is a fucking douche bag..basically says -I have to change my style to coincide with what everyone else likes…blabblahblahahalblah- then when asked about todays music (the same god damn thing as his music!!) says – Oh yeah the dance music scene is so shitty right now, I wish people would become less brainwashed – does he not realize that ONE, he massively contradicted himself and TWO, he’s adding a suffice amount to the shitty scene. On that note, the scene can be shitty, if you stick with the mainstream, but if you just hop off the band wagon and dig deeper you can absolutely find music worth listening to, it may not get the credit it deserves..but shouldn’t these people be making music for the love? not the popularity?
SOAP BOX hahaha
EXACTLY Kenzie, you hit the nail on the head! I love going to festivals because of the love and togetherness, not just the music. You can’t bash the same scene that pays you and made you the artist you are today. You don’t sound cool or innovative, you sound bitter.
I like that grimy ass dirty underground dub shit and of course d’n’b and happy hardcore fuck the aviciis the flux pavillions the skrillexs and such there’s still great edm out there and I’m really intrested to see where it goes this year.
oh and patrique modeselektor go hard as fuck. I really like meta 1up infinite mantis etc emperor ha ha what have you.
So this whole argument is prefaced with “I don’t make underground house music anymore so I switched to more mainstream stuff.” Then there’s the alleged mainstream EDM apocalypse that he claims is happening. If I’m not mistaken he’s one of the ones contributing to this phenomenon. How about he goes back to making “underground house” music; he has the ideal platform to spread some legit house music if he so desired. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction: as portions of the electronic music world get more and more popular with the mainstream, the underground also thrives if you know where to look. There is some serious cutting-edge music being made across the globe bending genres and creating new sounds, and it’s happening at an exponential rate. So where it seems like there is stagnation and death, if you look deeper, there is truly an exciting time of growth and change.
Ya seriously I mean no one does drugs at underground shows and they weren’t even invented until 2011
the word “EDM” is killing dance music.
EDM = instrumental pop music OR just pop-music with a 4-on-the-floor beat
cheers for the new producers to follow
He is referring to the current popular trend thats been going on lately in 2013.. and he is right.
Nathan Porteous i thank you for speaking for us who are new too the game and are like you said struggling to find the “good” EDM (or watever term to be used) and I too have gotten kind of tried of the EDM giants calling bullshit on the music and only pointing to scapegoat places or people i never heard of and would have a hard ass time finding in effort to not be called a dumbass because i was jus born a year or two too late. also its bothers me jus how much bad blood im finding the deeper i get into the EDM
It doesnt sound like anyone is dissing “the new people”. They are just outspoken about their years in the scene. You do have a point and my philosophy is to just accept those who are open minded and come to these events with the attitude that make these events great. Imagine going to events and knowing it was going to be great no matter what. Now there are plenty of newer people (not all) who completely kill the vibe. This community used to be more than just about the music, it used to be about people caring about one another. Although this still exists, I’m seeing less and less of this every time I go to an event. But its people like you who still give it hope. You tell us that you are willing to learn instead of claiming to know it all. None of us know it all….
And Allan’s coment was not useless advice. He’s just saying check out other artists away from the mainstage. He is not telling you that every artist outside of the mainstage is “better”, which, in the art world, is irrelevant anyways. You will also be plesantly surprised unless you already have taken it upon yourself to check out the other stages. I hope I helped and just remember that someone saying “ive been here for years” is a bragging right, and not an insult to new peeps.
Was thinking the same thing when I read this. Is he that ignorant? There’s a lot of experimental electronic music right now. Soul is still in the genre, but what’s trending isn’t heart/soul. Daft Punk won’t bring it back because they’re the only doing it. They’ll bring it back because they have a platform that can change the landscape. Here are some other artists I’d suggest: Tourist, RAC, Flight Facilities, Viceroy
Was thinking the same thing when I read this. Is he that ignorant? There’s a lot of experimental electronic music right now. Soul is still in the genre, but what’s trending isn’t heart/soul. Daft Punk won’t bring it back because they’re the only doing it. They’ll bring it back because they have a platform that can change the landscape. Here are some other artists I’d suggest: Tourist, RAC, Flight Facilities, Viceroy
Exactly, I remember when dance was considered “gay” or too European, and I was the weirdo, and now I am hipster bc I like the scene when it was underground. Yeah right!
I’m just here for the music.
Read the first line before you people comment!
fucking hate this generation..everything sounds so fucked :S
@[731039802:2048:Ron John] Hehehe its just become too much of the same thing.
If he hates this mainstream garbage so much, since he is a mainstream dj and ppl will want to see him wherever hes playing he should go back to making underground beats, just sayin
EDM stars making the same bullshit tracks while people from Turbo, Ed Banger, and Dirty Bird are putting out great tracks and not getting recognized for it. So many good producers out there, give the chance to the people that don”t put the awful trance pad in every song they make.
This issue has always been present since people generalize electronic music with EDM/techno.
for me, we should blame the Dubstep for the EDM “Apocalypse” because when the dubstep came in a lot of pop fans became edm fans even though they’re just listening to dubstep. That’s the reason why EDM is very mainstream right now.
tell him to listen to this
So he stopped making underground cuz he wanted his music to get more exposure? Ha! Tell that to Carl Cox, Richie Hawtin, Adam Beyer, John Digweed, Umek & Mark Knight! No, the reason he stopped was I guess he wasnt cutting it with underground music and wanted to go for the big $$$$ And that’s fine! Not every is talented enough to make it as an underground artist.
As far as all the EDM shit, they can have it! And they can do what ever they want to it! And it can become whatever it becomes! Eventually that will fade out and die. But HOUSE MUSIC will alway push forward!