Due to premiere tonight, Avicii’s latest single “Wake Me Up” has leaked through the power of the interweb. First debuting at Ultra 2013, the new country styled Avicii track has been the topic of discussion for the last few months. The predominant theme of fusing country and his very own cheeky melody that can be heard in Wake Me Up, appears to be indicative of the underlying motif of Avicii’s upcoming album. Check out the song below and let us know what you think!
Be playing this one for my cows to get them moving down the lane for milking.
WHAT? This is AVICII? What has happened to him… O.o
Come hither hot country girls. Come to the EDM dark side.
My brain is at war with itself.
I would totally play this at a gig.
what the actual fuck.
what the actual fuck.
the vocals are shit and so is the intro.
the vocals are shit and so is the intro.
What if it’s fake?
Thought he had lost his mind after hearing his Ultra set. This just reinforces that.
Noooooooooooooo! Avicii noooooooo!
its not, ist the same song from his mix
its not, ist the same song from his mix
This has been out on his 2013 promo mix for 2 months. That mix has a lot of good stuff that changed my mind about him a tad.
This has been out on his 2013 promo mix for 2 months. That mix has a lot of good stuff that changed my mind about him a tad.
I love when you play with music and mixes genre! I like this!
I love when you play with music and mixes genre! I like this!
the near future there will be a lot of crazy sick songs like this with fusin genres !!! Can’t wait
the near future there will be a lot of crazy sick songs like this with fusin genres !!! Can’t wait
Ok so that is not even close too country maybe Celtic a little but not country I like the vocals but thee lost is cheesy
Dude wat
it sounds like a remix…. I dunno how to describe it.
Nothing, its just as crappy as all his other garbage
I actually like it. It isn’t like most of the crappy country I hear. I would play this at a gig.
I missed avicii’s umf set, havnt got around to listen on youtube or soundcloud or whatever, but I heard the negative comments, if this is the kind of music he played, I don’t understand where all the negative energy came from. I mean, it may not be legendary music and all but it’s different, its not like most of the music that we’ve been hearing in the past two years. Fine, Avicii’s tracks all have something similar, making them sort of sound the same but at least he isn’t being as cliche as we would expect him to be.
a guitar and a different accent doesn’t make it country. this is musical fusion at it best. this is incredible.
a guitar and a different accent doesn’t make it country. this is musical fusion at it best. this is incredible.
This is going to be big for bar/club DJs in surrounded by farmland. That’s not saying it won’t be popular by definition.
This is going to be big for bar/club DJs in surrounded by farmland. That’s not saying it won’t be popular by definition.
it all depends… do you like progressive country house?
it all depends… do you like progressive country house?
Traditional country-lovers will dig it I feel…I’m not really a fan of his but this very well can change relations between country and electronic music. Thumbs up
Traditional country-lovers will dig it I feel…I’m not really a fan of his but this very well can change relations between country and electronic music. Thumbs up
Honky Tonk Blue Grass BPM a bit too fast.
I feel like I should be driving a tractor while listening to this song
What is this? A fucking Dose-E-Doe?
call him mainstream or whatever but this is genre defying stuff. I’m really impressed.
So I just unliked avicii, this is too much to tolerate lol
Did they really just call this country?
this is hands down the worst thing I have ever heard in my life…i seldom like Avicii’s stuff as is but at least some of his other work is somewhat bearable…this…is…just…awful.
Very Different but it is still sick!
Aha gaaaaaaaaay
absolutely revolting. liked avicii three years ago. he’s sh*t now.
you are a fuckin idiot. the intro and the vocals are excelent. the synths are the ones ruining the song.
the track was actually working like gold till he ruined it with his shitty synths.
this is tight! i love avicii! P.L.U.R. <3 but ya this is pretty tight. like really tight. he has the balls to do it cuz he likes it. period.
you are obviously from the south
just a terrible song
I unliked this just so I could like it again
Love it! I usually stick to old country but this has a great sound! Will definitely buy it!
Love it! I usually stick to old country but this has a great sound! Will definitely buy it!
DL 320 kbps?
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy…!! Not my flavor.. All you anthem heads apparently like this! American corny!
Like I needed another reason to hate Avicii….this is complete shit.
i have enough reasons to hate him so I dont even need to listen to this
Whattttttttt I like this.. Still hate country music though. Doesn’t really sound country?
I like it. He stepped outside the box. Everything sounds the same these days. It’s refreshing to hear something different
it sounds like celtic music
Totally agree. This is not country
i love it
This song is crap. He was crap at EDC. Just disappointing all around.
You should have been at redrocks for the LeveLs tour