I remember the day that my boy Tonicity’s track submission came through my inbox in regards to being featured for Fresh Face Friday. I mean, I screen every single one that I receive so it isn’t a miracle that I listened to it; but I remember strongly reminiscing to some of my old Seven Lions & Xilent tracks after hearing it – and for that, I thank you.
For being such a young lad, Tom (Tonicity) has such an ear for music, it’s astounding. With that being said, I would like to officially announce Fresh Face Friday’s second Quarterly winner. What that means is this! He successfully beat out his competition in the weekly round which excelled him to the monthly. Once arriving in the second phase, the monthly, he by a long shot, and fan favorite, beat out his competitors once again. Now before I move on let me remind you that each step of the Fresh Face Friday competition gets harder. So after two successful wins, Tom finally arrived at the final phase, the Quarterly phase. This phase takes all three monthly winners of the fiscal quarter and places them into one last poll to determine the final victor of the Fresh Face Friday competition that quarter. Now although he scathed up the latter of success rather quickly, the Quarterly went back and forth once or twice before voting finally ended – which made it a very memorable one for us all.
With all that being said, I present you Tom and I’s personal interview and his latest track at the bottom for your listening pleasure.
- So let’s get the boring stuff out of the way. Where are you from?
I was born in a small town outside of Beijing, China. I’m currently living with my parents in Calgary. - When did you get into music?
I’ve loved all music for as long as I can remember, I only got into making my own about 4 years ago. - What caused you to get into music?
I remember having LAN parties with my friends a few years ago. During one party, my best friend Tim played the Monstercat 007 mix and I was instantly hooked. It led to me starting EDM production and cranking out my first cringe-tune within a few months. - Did anyone or anything push you in the direction you’re going now in your music?
I’d say it was my friend Tim who really inspired me to start it all. - Outside of family, who would you say your biggest influence is and why?
I am influenced by nearly everything around me; my music comes from all the genres and artists I’ve listened to, my peers, and my mental state. I’ve found many other producers as well, I would say they really influence me the most. - Who do you do this for? I know for me I do a lot of things to show up ex’s, who’s your spiteful, “I’ll show you” person? – If you have one.
Generally speaking, I make music for myself as it is a form of emotional release. As for my parents, I’d like to show them that it is more than just a hobby. I also make music in order for others to listen and feel what I’m trying to convey. - What are your future plans for music? Is this a dream to do full time or are you just messing around at this point?
I aim to complete and release an album sometime in the future, although I am unsure about doing this full time. My dream is to build my skill until I can make it onto my dream label: Monstercat. - What can we expect from you in the near future?
Perhaps a remix EP for my track Imuplse, and a few new melodic works. - Who is your dream collaboration with?
Au5. Nuff said. - Will you sign my white T?
Sure, just gotta find my white marker. - What do you do for fun outside of producing?
I enjoy playing badminton, occasionally piano, and 3D modeling anything I come up with. I’m also a huge computer geek. - Tell us a little more about yourself?
Sometimes I find myself zoned out contemplating my existence and why mustaches aren’t called mouthbrows. I’m also pretty interested in nuclear physics, visiting the LHC is definitely on my bucket list. I am also 6’1 and hated by my short friends. - What do you use to produce? Any controllers or are you click and drag at this point?
I usually come up with melodies by improvising on my Oxygen 61 keyboard (I wish I had more keys). I’ve also got a Launchpad I have yet to find a regular use for, some Rokit 6s, ATH-M50s, and a Scarlett 2i4 interface. Click and drag is enough for me though, all I need are my extra screens. As for software, I’m running FL Studio. My main synth is Harmor, and I also like cranking sounds out of Sytrus, Serum, and Massive. - Do you have a go to place to produce?
I’ve been producing in my home studio the most. I feel like I should go to the mountains with a laptop and make some music though, the nature would give me more peace and inspiration. - How do you start a song? – Certain template, loop or are you scatter brained, meaning you just start with whatever?
I almost always start with a melody, and work my way to the buildup and chorus/drop. I’ve tried to start tracks at the drop before, they all dry up. I believe that making tracks from start to finish really makes them flow more. - Ever done any live shows?
I wish, but I lack the equipment, practice, and skill. - Who would you say is the biggest fan of your music?
-omit- - How did you like your experience on Fresh Face Friday?
I’d say it was pretty Fresh, getting to show my Face to an audience on Friday. All jokes aside, it was a blast. I’ve gotten so much exposure over the course of the contest, and so much support from people. - Open comment to the world or mom and dad.
Props to my mom for giving birth to me. Also, shout out to my awesome producer friends going by ClimaxBeat, Theodore West, Terlia, FARLO, Redeal, Technoid Sigma, and Jordan Peace! (I hope there isn’t a shout out limit). - Another open comment.
One of my friends kept nagging me to mention her in the interview so here it is on the last question: you suck, Wendy.
Tonicity – Impulse
Really happy for my buddy Tom here, he will be going far in whatever it is he decides to persue – raw talent. Hope you all enjoyed this here installment from your winner of Fresh Face Friday, if you’re a producer and want a chance to be featured, submit your work here.
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