French producer and singer Colorblast, whose previous aliases included Galleon and Ocean Drive, follows up the release of his vibrant...
2020 has been a rough year, but especially for musicians and their fans. Festivals and live shows are the heart...
Back with a message to inspire light in a troubled year is Peyton, a singer, songwriter and producer with a...
The 2020 MTV VMAs took place on Sunday in rare quarantine fashion -- and now we can relive the performances...
Your EDM featured Chris Inauzzi in our New Artist Spotlight in March for the IDM and experimental synth lovers. His...
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, our lives and schedules have been flipped upside down. With so many looming questions about...
In spiritual circles, a Wayfinder is considered to be someone who uses the stars, either literally or figuratively, to find...
After four years, the Paradox is no more. Excision is ushering in a new era of his career with a...
Every streaming service has been putting out their end of year lists -- with Spotify's Wrapped yesterday and today, we're...
Not only are we approaching the end of the decade, but we're already past video platform VEVO's 10th anniversary. With...
Any fans of MethLab know that the label is known for its audio visual elements and that the imprint is...
Armin van Buuren -- who has been named DJ Mag's #1 Top DJ five total times -- strives for perfection in...