It’s been a while since anyone has heard updates from the 1970s electronic music pioneer group, Kraftwerk, whose last big album represented the Tour De France soundtrack in 2003. A decade later, the groups co-founder , Ralf Hütter, 66, suggested to The Guardian this week that their newest album may be in the works. He stated,
“Now this is done, one to eight, now we can concentrate on number nine.”
Just like an oh-so familiar name in electronic music, Daft Punk, whose lengthy hiatus between their last two albums brought an enormous amount of attention upon them, Kraftwerk will definitely be showing off their evolved sound as it was explained in the interview to have changed over the years;
“In the 70s there was more drumming and physical action in the music, but today it’s more sensitive. We’re turning the knobs, we’re switching the switches, we operate the faders. We have all kinds of little gadgets.”
Some of their earliest music was truly their best, with “We Are The Robots” and “Autobahn” greatly helping bring their name to fame. I only hope that their new, evolved music is just as good as ever, even if it doesn’t sound anywhere similar to their music 30 years ago. This leaves us with the question that everyone is begging to hear; when will this hinted-at album be ready? Ralf Hütter didn’t give any specific timeline for a release yet, so we will just have to sit back and hope for more to arise!
Source: The Guardian