Tiësto‘s music will make you work up a sweat! Quite literally.
The superstar DJ/producer provides a brand new, exclusive home workout soundtrack in collaboration with 305 Fitness — made specifically to whip fans into shape. His high-intensity 30-minute set comes as part of 305 Fitness studio’s “305 at Home” series.
The energy of the aerobic workout is on point, thanks to this dance music legend. “305 Fitness gave me special instructions for the breaks and the tempo,” Tiësto explains. So the flow, down to every move, fits the soundtrack.
Tiësto became an investor in 305 Fitness in November 2018, which he described at the time as “the perfect fit for my portfolio, allowing me to have authentic involvement.” This new mix is a natural next step in Tiësto’s partnership with the program.
The best part? It’s completely free. Though the 305 vibe is more like a club atmosphere, the workout video can be accessed from the comfort of your own home. Make sure you have plenty of room to dance!
305 Fitness x Tiësto Full Body Workout
H/T: New York Post | Photo via Rukes.com