Anyone getting sick of the same old sound coming out of commercial house releases week after week? I know I am, and it seems Deadmau5 feels likewise. Last week, after a bit of a twitter argument, Afrojack took to Soundcloud to poke fun at Deadmau5’s sound. Today, Deadmau5 will be getting the last laugh on not only that argument but pretty much all of commercial house with a post on his Soundcloud that is nothing short of perfect. The brutal big room house buildup leads into what has become the generic commercial house drop. And of course he put quite a bit of thought into the title with “DROP DA BOMB”.
Keep an eye on DROP DA BOMB because it is headed straight for the #1 spot on Beatport!
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
…and we have a winner.
…and we have a winner.
I love this man.
I love this man.
Sounds like other songs I’ve heard already
Sounds like other songs I’ve heard already
wow! impressive
wow! impressive
could any one tell me how can I do a drop like that? *-* fuck…
could any one tell me how can I do a drop like that? *-* fuck…
Finally. Someone says something and I’m so glad its Joel. EDM all sounds the same now a days. Its a shame.
Finally. Someone says something and I’m so glad its Joel. EDM all sounds the same now a days. Its a shame.
This is every track on Beatport neatly rolled into one song.
I think this is where someone would say:
“Deadmau5 made commercial house. Your argument is invalid”.
I think this is where someone would say:
“Deadmau5 made commercial house. Your argument is invalid”.
That’s so funny, I’m glad FINALLY someone big brought this to light lol. F*CK Afrojack! Talentless fool.
That’s so funny, I’m glad FINALLY someone big brought this to light lol. F*CK Afrojack! Talentless fool.
AND………Nobody cares!
AND………Nobody cares!
Pot, meet Kettle. And yes, I understand this track is laden with irony.
Pot, meet Kettle. And yes, I understand this track is laden with irony.
Well what does afro have to say to that? Joel Wins!
I laughed WAY to hard at this! Ahhhh too fucking awesome!
I laughed WAY to hard at this! Ahhhh too fucking awesome!
Afrojack needs to reply to this XD.
wait a min am I getting this right, afrojack……is talkin shit…..the guy that doesn’t even come up with his own melodies nor sounds.
so much lol.
speaking of soundcloud check mine out xD.
needs more dillon.
agreed but there are good things going on too in the underground scenes… they are just not as commercial so they don’t get the exposure they deserve in many cases… and no offense but if big blogs and promotional networks bothered less with who argued with whom and a bit more with bringing some of the less known EDM artists who still try to do something original and to sound different to the people’s ears then things could be better… imo blogs and promotional netwroks should have an educational role as much as promotional when it comes to that… “commercial” is commercial for a reason and will always sound the same for the same reason… we’re making it commercial and as long as this happens they will all sound the same… besides, if Deadmau5, Afrojack or Skrillex (random examples) release anything new it will get to everyone’s ears one way or the other, it’s the new artists who need the promotion more and the ones who could make a difference…
Fuck off deadmaus you are part of this commercial shit… Wanting to launch an acting career .. Spreading rumors on twitter with this other faggot afrojack. Looks like they forgot what EDM is
Its funny cuz Afrojack is commercial house.
make whatever you like, I like joel and his music but he’s such a dick categorising everything, who cares.
The irony is that this isn’t deadmau5s worst song.
It was funny the first time, when Afrojack did it, regurgitating somebody else’s joke is neither clever nor amusing. What a tool.
It was funny the first time, when Afrojack did it, regurgitating somebody else’s joke is neither clever nor amusing. What a tool.
The fact that people like this tune is 100% of the problem.
Unlike Afrojack, Deadmau5 is *from* the internet. There’s no way Afrojack will out-troll Deadmau5.
Afrojack and Deadmau5 both suck dick and neither of them have a lick of talent. This is another great example of the out right public ignorance toward EDM and understand of what house actually is. Please go listen to Green Velvet, Paul Johnson, House Culture, and Boo Williams if you want to hear some real house music and leave this petty shit for all the 16 year old girls in furry boots and neon underwear.
nice to see joel notice it/make fun of it, a few weeks ago Daleri made something similar: a mashup of “beatport top ten”
hahaha the drop did make me laugh I have to say…
Hahahahaha CRYING! This is so true, spot on Joel! He’s got a point, every EDM track sounds like this nowadays, starting to get annoying! WHAT HAPPENED TO ORIGINALITY PEOPLE?
Los Simpson Party Posse – Drop The Bomb.
While I admire Joel’s production skills and always remembering Faxing Berlin as being his stepping stone and one of my favorites, I find it a bit funny as he has also had his hands in what some people might call commercial EDM. With that said, he does try to bend the rules in the studio and I like that but really making music , no matter who you are, is just an extension of your self expression. Now if we can just keep Paris Hilton out of this, we would be doing a lot better. Cheers!
This is why old-school Trance is still and will always be the best form of electronic music in my opinion, because unlike commercial house its always changing and evolving.
lol, such a build up to such an anti-climatic “drop” , love it.
That Swedish shit sound is not HOUSE. It’s Trance. Anybody that thinks that is trance – must have started listening to EDM a year ago.
Haha…Fuck you Afrojack.
I don’t understand how this is a jab at commercial house, the sad reality is that this little clip is the best thing that has come out of mau5’s studio in a really long time – and all of you clowns talking about skill and hard work should shut up and actually attend a show instead of shitting around on your computer EDM is about being there – the thing that comes to mind is that mau5 played his same shitty set TWICE on back to back weekends of ultra while afrojack tried new shit by performing as Nick van de wall as well as his normal stage name — that being said, I kind of wish this was a real song #nickvandewallwins #deadmau5mostoverratedproducer.
I don’t understand how this is a jab at commercial house, the sad reality is that this little clip is the best thing that has come out of mau5’s studio in a really long time – and all of you clowns talking about skill and hard work should shut up and actually attend a show instead of shitting around on your computer EDM is about being there – the thing that comes to mind is that mau5 played his same shitty set TWICE on back to back weekends of ultra while afrojack tried new shit by performing as Nick van de wall as well as his normal stage name — that being said, I kind of wish this was a real song #nickvandewallwins #deadmau5mostoverratedproducer.