The 8th studio album from Ryan Raddon, Atmosphere, finally received a release date. Adding to the anticipation, fans may now mark the date, September 10th, to get the full length album. Two years after the grammy nominated album, Fire & Ice, September’s release date will certainly cumulate mass popularity.
An Ultra Records interview with Kaskade, shed light into the album, “If I was to squash Fire & Ice into a single rather than a double album, it might have sounded like this.”
August 13th, iTunes will offer the album for pre-sale, and those on top of their game already know about the Atmosphere tour dates, maybe even by heart. That’s the kind of loyalty Kaskade recognizes in his fans. Just today Kaskade announced via twitter that a contest of sorts, will give a few lucky people an opportunity to win VIP packages.
I’m giving away VIP packs to each Atmosphere gig. I want you to win. Bring a friend. It’ll be fun.
— Kaskade (@kaskade) July 29, 2013
Submitting a short video will enter you into the contest.
Short version: make a 15 second video for the song Atmosphere. Post it on my contest page. Win. Beginning 08/01.
— Kaskade (@kaskade) July 29, 2013
The full details you ask?
Details here: — Kaskade (@kaskade) July 29, 2013
If it’s hard to trust your cinematography skills, and would like more of a guarantee to meet Ryan, amongst other cool benefits. Check out the Atmosphere tour website for full details, before tickets evaporate.
Big Rooms. Small Tour. 4 cities//6 shows. Atmosphere tix almost gone kiddos.
— Kaskade (@kaskade) July 29, 2013
Road trip?