The recent IndieGogo campaign for “MDMA: The Movie” has brought a lot of light to the debate over the ubiquitous party drug, Molly.
Dancesafe is the driving force behind this film, and the founder Emanuel Sferios believes that MDMA should be legalized as a prescription drug for its potential therapeutic use as in psychotherapy. In a sit-down with Reality Sandwich he outlined a few key benefits of MDMA legalization, which can be found below.
Whether you agree with these supposed benefits or not, one thing remains: MDMA is a dangerous, illegal narcotic that should never be perceived as safe.
“Here are 5 things that will happen when MDMA becomes legal:
1. PTSD sufferers will achieve drastic, long-term healing.
2. Psycho-therapeutic practices will be enhanced by MDMA
3. Safe, high quality MDMA becomes the standard.
4. There will be fewer tragic accidents.
5. The stigma from illegal use will be lifted.”