Deadmau5 has been on an absolute roll today on Twitter, to the point that it’s more entertaining than the current season of Game Of Thrones. (Yeah, we said it.) We’ll probably get to all of it in the next day or two, but first we want to highlight the hilarious practice of turning artists’ names into clever acronyms.
And it all started with EDC…
And from there, it just kind of snowballed.
choachella – Cunty Old Artists Centered Here, Even Lisa Lohan Attends.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) May 5, 2016
i am the acronym master.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) May 5, 2016
Tomorrow Land – Terrifyingly Opressive Moguls Own Rights, Raping Our Wallets. Lawyers, Accountants, No Dimes.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) May 5, 2016
Deadmau5 = dickhead enters active deal, music always underimpresses. 5.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) May 5, 2016
Admittedly, deadmau5 found the line.
whoa that was gnarly.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) May 5, 2016
yeah i corszsed the liune on that one. sorry… just acronyming 😀
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) May 5, 2016
And then kept right on going!
His friend Steve Duda got into the mix, though honestly a little less harsh than the rest of the bunch.
Finally, someone gave him a hard one…
Even then, it wasn’t a challenge.
soviet homie owning shit, took after killing other victims in chech, hellyeah.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) May 5, 2016
That’s all folks.
and thats a wrap! 🙂 was fun… but i gotta pack up!
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) May 6, 2016
likely. i thought it was funny. no harm intended. just some fun negative acronym madness 😀
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) May 6, 2016
If you’ve gotten this far, congratulations. You’re a glutton for this stuff, just like us.