Of all the cases of copyright infringement we’ve heard, this one has to be the craziest… YouTube has flagged a video consisting of 10 straight hours of white noise uploaded by musician Sebastian Tomczak.
Apparently YouTube’s automated content ID system pattern-matched his open source generated white noise with that of other uploaders, which has since resulted in multiple claims. Interestingly enough, those who have accused Tomczak of stealing have not asked for the video’s removal, but instead for any associated ad revenue. Shocking.
“My ten hour white noise video now has five copyright claims! :)” he recently tweeted out.
My ten hour white noise video now has five copyright claims! 🙂 pic.twitter.com/dX9PCM1qGx
— little-scale (@littlescale) January 4, 2018
Needless to say, Tomczak has announced his plans to dispute what he considers to be “spurious” claims.
“If I record background white noise or if I have a random white noise generator and I record that, with me being the first person to fix that recording, then I am the owner of its copyright,” he explained to BBC.
We’ll have to wait and see how this plays out. In the meantime, here is Sebastian Tomczak’s now infamous white noise video… Listen before it gets taken down! That is, if you really want to listen to 10 hours of white noise.
10 Hours of Low Level White Noise