Moiez is finally back, despite the growing Soundcloud controversy which lead to his account being terminated, his team was able to resurrect it from the grave in true zombie fashion; the first to my knowledge. In celebration he has released a free original with a rather unique description.
Because of all this copyright bullsh*t, I’m putting my money where my mouth is, from now on whenever possible I am going to make the stems and vocals for my own originals available to EVERYONE to remix, starting with this original “What I Need This Time”.
All the producers out there get ready for this! Fans and friends, I need you to go out there and support this track and all the remixes that come out of it If we work together we can actually change the world to make it a more accepting place for artistic expression!
Moiez, we commend you.
This original is a great start to his new methodology, with uplifting vocals provided by Alina Renae that will surely be remixed plenty. Characteristic risers and synthesis accompany well executed sound design in this original that can surely be claimed as yet another progressive/electro house hit from the Canadian. Pick it up for free today here!