Personal song selection on SoundCloud is becoming a larger and more prevalent issue when you consider the fact that 12+ hours of audio are being uploaded to it EVERY MINUTE! When you combine that number with the onslaught of new music projects that are being created daily, you come to the realization that something needs to be done. This is where ToneDen steps in. ToneDen’s free music sharing app lets your favorite artists and friends send you new music – letting them do the heavy-lifting of curation for you.
ToneDen’s mobile app heavily utilizes a trusty “inbox”, where you’ll get new music as soon as it comes out from artists you follow or friends whose taste you trust. Each track you receive is also coupled with a personal message from the poster, giving you the story behind why the track is being shared. You can then either save the track for later listening, or share it with your close friends and followers in a way that’s similar to sharing a Snap on Snapchat. You can also view which artists and tracks are gaining traction by visiting the real-time and constantly updating “trending” stream that acts as a filtered feed of new music.
The service also tracks and counts plays toward Soundcloud count overall. Artists currently have two locations for posting their music on the service: the mobile app or the web app (which means artists can still participate in ToneDen regardless of whether or not they have an iPhone).