With so many DJs being forced to stay home rather than touring so much of the year, many are looking into other ways to occupy their time. Of course live streams and studio time are productive ways to spend time for producers and musicians, but self-isolation is also affording many the time to take a step back and slow down a bit.
On that note, many DJs are adopting animals. Illenium, Subtronics, Cray, and Flux Pavilion are among the DJs recently who have gotten new puppies, and they’re all f*cking adorable.
Illenium has a new pomsky, Rocket, to join his first dog, Peanut. Subtronics and Level Up got a new Keeshond named Ellie. And Cray was gifted a cute little, some-sort-of bulldog named Beef from Kayzo. Flux Pavilion got some sort of floof (if anyone can tell us the breed, please let us know in the comments) named Zappa.
Of course, these puppies, who will grow into adult dogs, will still need to be cared for after quarantine is said and done. And we’re sure they will be, since their owners are all awesome people.
Check out the adorable photos below!
ELLIE ???? pic.twitter.com/iaCd7G65vs
— ✨SUBTRONICS✨ (@Subtronics) April 27, 2020
Well. Today I was told I was getting my surprise birthday gift early, was not prepared for this. Meet beef ???? pic.twitter.com/T3XoFrz1hK
— ☆ CRAY ☆ (@craymusic) April 21, 2020
Oh yeah, I got an isolation puppy and he is called Zappa. pic.twitter.com/36EUf9qHyu
— fluxpavilion.wav (@Fluxpavilion) April 25, 2020
Update: A previous version of this article didn’t contain Flux Pavilion’s new puppy.