The monster of a producer Kayzo is joined by Seek N Destroy and a few friends to bring you an EP that couldn’t be anywhere else but a label like Kannibalen. The main track off the EP is the orignal mix of “Crank” which is a monster; you haven’t heard anything like this. The best way I can think to describe “Crank” is 128bpm hardstyle influenced industrial house. To compliment the original, Charlie Darker‘s remix is also 128bpm, but deviates into more of a tech house electro hybrid feel. Charlie’s remix is my personal favorite of the three for its grooviness and accessibility. Rounding off the EP is Karluv Klub‘s 172bpm journey of a track. I can’t really think of a way to describe his remix, but that being said I certainly enjoyed it, and feel it is worth a listen. You can stream the entire EP below right now.