Five music makers. One graphic designer. One challenge: to create a new & unique piece of artwork each week, for three months.
This is the High Noon Artist Pact; if you don’t know that name by now, you need to get acquainted. They’ve taken ‘practice makes perfect’ to a whole new level and the differences in their skill levels at the end of this challenge compared to when they began will be like night and day. Each week, a word of inspiration will be chosen to give the artists a loose idea of what to base their creation on. The rest is up to them.
We’ll be covering the entirety of the challenge, so you can watch (and listen to) its full development here. To get you started, check out the music from last week’s leg of the challenge below; read on to meet the artists themselves and get an earful of this week’s tunes!
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The word of the week was ‘booty’ & I’ve always wanted to do something with this sample from ‘The Pack’.
Whew! First off, let me express my disappointment with myself for not getting my Week 3 track submitted…so please attribute it the creative process that any artist goes through. That said, I still learned a great deal in Week 3! Week 4…Booty! Booty! Booty! Nothing like a little (or lot) of booty to help me splash back into the mix; so this week was all about creating a hip, rump shaking track that pays homage to a bootyfull muse I know. They’re going through a bit of a tumultuous transformation; thus the title: Keys Fit, Damn/Key Shift, Damn – everything evolves, and a shift in perspective will reveal that all the evolving pieces do fit. Thanks everyone and as always…at your service.
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This week the inspirational word was “booty”, which of course makes me think of ass, and songs that contain the word “ass”, so I decided to build a track around the vocals from ‘Still’ by Geto Boys.
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Wanted to do something different with “Booty”. Not your “Thong Song” type track… It seemed too predictable. So, this is more of a story; A tale of a crazy female and a dood who’s even crazier for going back to her…
Our favorite tune from Week 4 was VNDMG‘s ‘PC Load Letter’. What was yours?
[Main & Individual Cover Art by Molly Brooks: Facebook || Instagram || Tumblr]