Walking up the the neueHouse venue in Hollywood, my mind was racing. I had never heard of this place before, let alone seen a show there, so I had no idea what to expect. Would it be like the Fonda, a traditional venue where many different types of acts can play? Or was it more like Create, a mainstream nightclub?
The short answer is that it was neither. neueHouse is a collaborative art gallery, a “workspace collective with big social ambitions.” Walking in, you first took notice of the wide open space and the room for art installations on your right and left. Going in further revealed a large staging area with blank walks and unfinished rafters, some might say an artist’s delight.
It was in this space that Ta-ku performed along with Alina Baraz, Wafia and JMSN by his side. If you know Ta-ku’s music, you might wonder how it translates to a live performance. I’ll tell you, it’s not easy. Combining cues via a controller with live instruments, a live drum set and guitar, Ta-ku brought his music to live with improvised vocals and a visual sequence that was out of this world.
It was a rare opportunity to see an artist completely vulnerable and immersed in their passion, but it was evident that Ta-ku wasn’t shy of sharing. He spoke at length before the performance about a variety of topics, most notably his art and how it speaks to him and through him.
Though rare, if Ta-ku rolls through your town, it would be a mistake to miss him.