The world woke up a little happier and a bit more confused today since Elon Musk uploaded a new dance music track to SoundCloud called, “Don’t Doubt ur Vibe.”
Obviously this isn’t a GRAMMY-award winning track, but it’s also not the worst thing I’ve ever heard.
Now, as you might know, SoundCloud can be pretty hit or miss with its Related Tracks algorithm. Some days you can fall down an absolutely epic hole of undiscovered gems; others, you find SoundClown. (Which, to some, is its own hole of undiscovered gems.)
In the case of “Don’t Doubt ur Vibe,” the first related track is… well…
And the reactions have been hilarious.
Why on earth soundcloud proposes the following track after yours ??
Tried several times, same following one…— JeanSébastien GALLOO (@jsgalloo) January 31, 2020
Curiously, after playing this (admittedly not terrible) dance track on SoundCloud it is automatically followed up with “Erectile Dysfunction” by almndjoy.
— JD Lien (@jdlien) January 31, 2020
Soooo, if you listen to Elon Musk's new track on his Soundcloud, aaaallll the way through … this is what comes up next. As it were. Warning: Contains naughty words and may trigger sadness in gents of a certain vintage
— Kenny Campbell Comms & Media (@MrKennyCampbell) January 31, 2020
"Perhaps that will be Elon Musk’s most lasting musical legacy: he’s brought Erectile Dysfunction to the masses." – what a last line ????
— Robert Scammell (@RobertScammell) January 31, 2020