As one of the fastest rising stars to be featured within the international Progressive House scene, the quickly domineering talents...
An artist that is as versatile as he is talented, the wondrous musical forces of LTN have become synonymous with some...
Welcome to another installment of our coveted Anthology Series here on Your EDM‘s Sunrise Sessions! While we here at Your EDM...
As one of the hottest upcoming talents of John 00 Fleming's illustrious underground Trance label, JOOF Recordings, it was only...
Simply described as "deep, warm and atmospheric", the over-encompassing sound of Clameres has been a boon throughout the deeper end...
On this week's edition of Sunrise Sessions, we take a look back into the past to when Trance was simpler...
Aptly described as "a pair of European weirdos looking for life and love between keyboard's keys and automated faders", the...
On this week's edition of Sunrise Sessions, we look towards the calmer, placid side of Trance as a brilliant new...
It's no secret that Progressive Trance has moved on from the mainstages of 2011 towards the deep recesses of the underground,...
Welcome to the first ever Anthology Series here on Your EDM's Sunrise Sessions! While we here at Your EDM strive...
Representing our local scene within the Progressive realm of EDM is none other than the upcoming talent that is Blugazer of...
As one of the world's leading Progressive Trance producers, the underdog story of EDU has gradually evolved from his beginnings as a humble, bedroom...